Mobile 2.0 is coming (and the sky isn't falling)
It turns out that hot on the heels of Web 2.0 that Mobile 2.0 is coming.
Interestingly this list of companies making a play in the Mobile 2.0 space doesn't include the suppliers of probably the best IM and mapping app as well as an expanding number of solutions for the mobile space.
It's certainly interesting to see how the different charging models here in the US make mobile data services more affordable and ubiquitous. In Australia for instance I'd be more aware of the cost of using something like Twitter or data intensive services like mapping or push email but hopefully increased uptake (mostly by business) will drive down the costs for everyone.
Like Web2.0 it's important not to ignore the large incumbent players such as Microsoft, Google, eBay (with Skype) and, of course, the Telcos (who really don't want to see any revenue stream being hijacked) - some of them may take a while to wake up to the possibilities and in many cases they'll be beaten by smaller innovative niche companies ... some of who will fall by the wayside, some who'll get acquired and some who may rise up to become significant players in their own right - sounds like Web2.0 all over again!
Will Web2.0 & Mobile2.0 finally start us on the road seamless convergence? As time goes on the hardware capabilities from the simplest candybar phones to hardcore desktop machines (via Smartphones, PDA/PocketPC phones, UPMC, Tablet and Laptop machines) will surely start to drive some of that agenda... Is it too late to register Communication2.0?