WPF/E - resizable in-page video player
With everyone in the office getting all excited about WPF/E I thought I'd give it a try. I got Visual Studio and the SDK all installed on my machine (see here and here for some handy hints on getting started) and wondered what to build...
Bearing in mind I have no artistic talents, and I didn't want to get bogged down on something too complicated I thought I'd pick on something that would have been pretty hard with earlier technologies.... dynamically resizing a video while it's playing embedded in a page (so all the content re-flows properly and everything looks cool.
Hopefully the sample below will work (or you can click to see it full-screen) if you don't see a video appear in the top right hand corner then you may need to install the WPF/E runtime.
What amazed me about this wasn't the first time I saw the video playing in the browser, or the fact I could resize it without it missing a beat... it was the fact that from clicking "Project | Create" in Visual Studio to uploading the sample here took about 2 hours (and I was half watching a movie on the TV at the same time!)
In fact, probably the single hardest thing was tidying up the JavaScript for Firefox! I've not had a chance to test this on OSX yet (my PowerBook is still in a container somewhere!) so I'd love some feedback from the Mac world...
If anyone wants the code just let me know and I'm happy to share... at the moment it's very ugly and probably not a good example of a "how to" with WPF/E (especially given my position on the learning curve and the amount of time I actually dedicated to this) - if I get it tided up (and work out why it's a bit jerky in FF) I will attach it here. But I think there will be a bit of RTFM first ;)