<p>HTML5. CSS3. Canvas. H.264 or Ogg for &lt;video&gt;</p> <p>Web developers care. The folks who build browsers care (and boy are they competitive about it with their speed demos and compliance tests).</p> <p></p> <p>But users?</p> <p></p> <p>They don&rsquo;t care about the technology. They want their game to run, their video to play and their photos of Aunt Bertha&rsquo;s 50<sup>th</sup> birthday party to load.</p> <p></p> <p>Ask them what version of Flash or Silverlight they have, or even what a cascading style sheet is and they&rsquo;ll give you a blank look. Heck, most don&rsquo;t even know what browser version they&rsquo;re running (with Chrome that&rsquo;s becoming a challenge to keep up with updates!)</p> <p></p> <p>In fact, with sites like Facebook and Twitter, Bing and CNN or aps from the various app stores on Windows, Android and iPhones undergoing almost constant innovation and evolution users don&rsquo;t have a good way to keep track of where things are.</p> <p></p> <p>So what does this mean for web developers? It means you need to write smarter code that tests for the features you need and degrades gracefully &ndash; on desktops, mobile devices, internet connected TVs and who knows what. Keep is as simple as possible and get the basics right.</p> <p></p> <p>And for users? Well, hopefully the new advances in capabilities will make for richer, faster, more capable apps, and better experiences. Hopefully this period of change won&rsquo;t make for the troubles of the last &ldquo;browser war&rdquo; where users had to choose what browser they visited certain sites in, developers would post snarky &ldquo;better with X browser&rdquo; messages and nobody really wins.</p> <p></p> <p>Here&rsquo;s looking for the next generation web &hellip; and hopefully smooth evolution without the pain of artificial revolution</p>